Agra Investment:Tag Archives: social media strategies

Tag Archives: social media strategies

By Stacy Garcia

I am often asked why Twitter is my favorite social media platform. I’m always left with so much more to say on the matter so here goes.

F, I find Twitter to be the most social of the social sites.

This is where I have met most of my industry connectionsAgra Investment. We now follow each other on many platforms and meet up in person when we can, but it all started on Twitter. Twitter allows us to follow and connect with other experts in our field. Building these relationships has not only expanded my world but it has been a lot of fun. If you aren’t using Twitter to boost your visibility, I think you’re seriously missing out.

Twitter for Marketing?

For those who say they are only on social media for marketing their business, I say Twitter is an important part of this mix. Did you know that tweets are indexed by Google? Yes! Twitter can help with your website SEO. All of your social profiles should lead the viewer to your website, where the prospective client can pick up the phone and make the direct connection with you. An impression of you has been established by the time they call. Google is where many prospective clients will first hear about youUdabur Stock. Even if they learn about your company some where else, they will likely Google your name to find out more. What will they find? Your social media activity will let them get to know you which is very valuable indeed.

Wondering what you should Tweet?

Here’s what I recommend:

• Tweets with pictures are more popular. Share your work.

• If you blog share links to your posts.

• Share interesting articles on topics related to your business.

• Retweet good information already posted by your friends.

• When you post to Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram, share on Twitter too.

• Share your expertise at #KBtribechat on Wednesdays at 2pm eastern.

Can’t join KBtribechat during the business day?

Go read the timeline for the hour by searching the hashtag. When convenient for you, answer some of the questions, make comments and/or retweet answers you like.

Represent yourself accurately!

Twitter is 100% social. To me there are two discerning factors that make me want to follow. 1.) The account must look like a real person or business is behind the account. It is important to completely fill out your bio including your website AND a picture. Don’t leave the blue twitter bird logo or add a silly cartoon figure. Upload a picture of yourself or your company logo. Make sure your bio represents you. Also, upload an interesting banner image that adds information about you. 2.) When you post have it be interesting information on your topic.

To gain followers, ideally your Twitter account must look professional and engaging.

Get connected by Twitter chatting!

Our #KBtribechat group is extremely welcoming and helpful. Say hello at the beginning of the hour and let us know you’re new. You’ll be warmly included in the discussion and followed by those you interacted with. Twitter is not the place to be sales pitchy on a regular basis. KBtribechat gives you the platform to share expertise and information on a variety of kitchen and bath industry related topics on a weekly basis. Just add the hashtag #KBtribechat to your tweets to be part of the conversation.

Kanpur Wealth Management